
List of publications by members of the department - sorted by year (since 2011) or by name (since 2007).

Status: September 2022

Since 2023, publications have been listed centrally at my.h-da. There, it is also possible to conduct a targeted search by title, author or editor, and year of publication.


  • Matthias Brinkmann, "Mit Ultraschall auf Abstand“ (2022):
  • Matthias Brinkmann, "Optische (Aus-)Bildung in der Schule und im Kinderzimmer", DGaO-Proceedings 2022,
  • Matthias Brinkmann, Charlotte Dachroth, Ole Jeschonnek, Uwe Langbein, "Analysis of glory phenomena created by retroreflecting microspheres," Opt. Eng. 61(6), 064109 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.61.6.064109
  • Michael Godehardt, AliMoghiseh, Christine Oetjen, Joachim Ohser, and Katja Schladitz (2022): "An unambiguous cloudiness index for Nonwovens"; Journal of Mathematics in Industry (
  • Björn Lorenz, Shuxia Guo, Christoph Raab, Patrick Leisching, Thomas Bocklitz, Petra Rösch, Jürgen Popp (2022), „Comparison of conventional and shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for bacterial identification“,
  • H. Zisgen: „An approximation of general multi-server queues with bulk arrivals and batch service“, Operations Research Letters 50(1): 57-63, 2022; DOI: 10.1016/j.orl.2021.12.00
  • J. Gregori, S Randoll, S Hoffmann, M Günther, „Method for combining different partial data“, US Patent 11,341,273 (2022)
  • D Mensing, J Gregori, J Jenne, M Stritt, B Gerold, M Günther, „LSTM-U-net for the robust segmentation of veins in ultrasound sequences“, Proceedings Volume 12034, Medical Imaging 2022: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling; 120341R (2022), DOI: 10.1117/12.2608085
  • CE Weber, J Krämer, M Wittayer, J Gregori, S Randoll, F Weiler, S Heldmann, C Roßmanith, M Platten, A Gass, P Eisele, „Association of iron rim lesions with brain and cervical cord volume in relapsing multiple sclerosis“, European Radiology 32 (3), 2012-2022 (2022)
  • Inna Mikhailova, Riegler, P.; Maas, Ch. (Hrsg.) (2022): Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in der Mathematik. Mathematik-Lehre forschend betrachten. DUZ open. DOI 10.36197/DUZOPEN.030
  • Thomas Blotevogel, Inna Mikhailova, Is it possible to identify student bottlenecks using quality management tools?  Proceedings of EuroSoTL 2022, Manchester:
  • Inna Mikhailova, "Basics of Mathematics via Robotics", Proceedings of Polytechnic Summit 2022, Darmstadt
  • Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, „Quality-Enhancing Techniques for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging", veröffentlicht in MDPI Mathematics 10.18 (2022)
  • Thomas März, Vladyslav Gapyak, Andreas Weinmann, "A two-stage Model-Based Regularized Reconstruction Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", AMEE Conference Proceedings, (2022)
  • „Development of a Raman spectrometer fort he characterization of gaseous hydrocarbons at high temperatures“ in Journal of Quantity Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, K.Dieter, K .Koschnick, J. Lill, G.Magnotti, A.Weinmann, A. Dreizler, D.Geyera (2022):
  • Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, "Quality-Enhancing Techniques for a Two-Stage Model-Based Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", ICNAAM Conference Proceedings, (2022):


  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Iterative Potts minimization for the recovery of signals with discontinuities from indirect measurements: the multivariate case, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 21 (2021), 649-694
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Multi-channel Potts-based reconstruction for multi-spectral computed tomography, Inverse Problems 37 (2021), 045004
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Variational regularization of inverse problems for manifold-valued data, Information and Inference 10 (2021), 195–230
  • Brinkmann, M., Uwe Langbein (2021), Vermessung und Modellierung der Kleinwinkelstreuung an Optischen Diffusoren;
  • Cousido-Rocha, M., Döhler, S. and de Una-Alvarez, J. (2021), Multiple comparison procedures for discrete uniform and homogeneous tests, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
  • Döhler, S., Meah, I., and Roquain, E. (2021), Online multiple testing with super-uniformity reward, preprint (arXiv)
  • C. Becker: The Liquidity Mechanics of Dealer Banks in the Market-based Credit System, Economic Modelling, Volume 105, 2021.
  • Toenges G, Muetze T, Jahn A-Eimermacher. A comparison of semiparametric approaches to evaluate composite endpoints in heart failure trials. Statistics in Medicine 2021; doi: 10.1002/sim.9149
  • Wei J, Muetze T, Jahn A-Eimermacher, Roger J. Properties of two while-alive estimands for recurrent events and their potential estimators. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2021; doi: 10.1080/19466315.2021.1994457
  • Miltenberger R, Götte H, Schüler A, Jahn-Eimermacher A. Progression-free survival in oncological clinical studies: Assessment time bias and methods for its correction. Pharmaceutical Statistics 2021; doi: 10.1002/pst.2115
  • Fritsch A, Schlömer P, Mendolia F, Mütze T, Jahn-Eimermacher A & on behalf of the Recurrent Event Qualification Opinion Consortium. Efficiency Comparison of Analysis Methods for Recurrent Event and Time-to-First Event Endpoints in the Presence of Terminal Events—Application to Clinical Trials in Chronic Heart Failure. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2021; doi: 10.1080/19466315.2021.1945488
  • Deshpande V.V., Weidenmann K.A., Piat R.,: Application of statistical functions to the numerical modelling of ceramic foam: From characterisation of CT-data via generation of the virtual microstructure to estimation of effective elastic properties.Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Online (2021),


  • P. Grohs, M. Holler, A. Weinmann eds.: Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data, Springer Nature, 2020
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: PALMS Image Partitioning – A New Parallel Algorithm for the Piecewise Affine-Linear Mumford-Shah Model, Image Processing On Line 10 (2020), 124-149.
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: An Algorithm for Second Order Mumford–Shah Models Based on a Taylor Jet Formulation, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (2020), 2307-2360.
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Wavelet sparse regularization for manifold-valued data, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 18 (2020), 674-706.
  • J. Ohser, P. Haas, F. Fahrbach, A. Schwämmle, S. Osterroth, D. Dobrovolskij: Attenuation correction for confocal laser scanning microscopy and its application in chromatography, J. Microsc., 278 (2020), 76-88,
  • R. León, W. Nagel, J. Ohser, S. Arscott: Modeling crack patterns by modified STIT tessellations, Image Analysis & Stereology, 39 (2020), 33-46,
  • S. Osterroth, P. Menstell, A. Schwämmle, J. Ohser, K. Steiner: Adjoint optimization for the general rate model of liquid chromatography, Comp. Chem. Engineering 133 (2020), 106657,
  • J. Ohser, D. Dobrovolskij, C. Blankenburg, A. Rack: Time-resolved phase-contrast microtomographic imaging of two-phase solid–liquid flow through porous media, Int. J. Materials Res. 111 (2020), pp86-89,
  • Brinkmann, M., Uwe Langbein (2020), Simulation und Vermessung von Optischen Diffusoren;
  • Döhler, S. and Roquain, E. (2020), Controlling the false discovery exceedance for heterogeneous tests , Electronic Journal of Statistics, publication, Volume 14, Number 2 (2020), 4244-4272. (R package DiscreteFDX)
  • Piat R., Happ P.A., Numerical studies of the correlation between inclusion shape and effective elastic properties of the particle reinforced composites. Key Engineering Matherials. Vol.827,234-239 (2020),
  • Happ P. A., Bensing T., Terwolbeck S., Malek K., Moneke M., Piat R.: Determining Elastic Properties of Particle Reinforced Polymer Composites by Numerical Modeling of their Microstructures. CERC Proccedings 2020,paper to download.
  • Deshpande V.V., Piat R., Weidenmann K.A.: Application of statistical functions for microstructure characterization and determination of elastic properties of ceramic foam. CERC Proccedings 2020,paper to download.
  • Toenges G, Jahn-Eimermacher A. Computational issues in fitting joint frailty models for recurrent events with an associated terminal event. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105259


  • R. Piat, P. A. Happ: Numerical studies of the correlation between inclusion shape and effective elastic properties of the particle reinforced composites. Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 827, pps. 234-239
  • M. Storath, L. Kiefer, A. Weinmann: Smoothing for signals with discontinuities using higher order Mumford-Shah models, Numer. Math. (2019) 143: 423.
  • M. Esposito, C. Hennersperger, R. Göbl, L. Demaret, M. Storath, N. Navab, M. Baust, A. Weinmann: Total Variation Regularization of Pose Signals with an Application to 3D Freehand Ultrasound, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (Volume 38, Issue 10, Oct. 2019), pps. 2245-2258,
  • Durand, G., Junge, F., Döhler, S., and Roquain, E. (2019), DiscreteFDR: An R package for controlling the false discovery rate for discrete test statistics, preprint (arXiv)
  • Rauscher Franziska G., Lange Heike, Yahiaoui-Doktor Maryam, Tegetmeyer Helmut, Sterker Ina, Hinz Andreas, Wahl Siegfried, Wiedemann Peter, Ohlendorf Arne, Blendowske Ralf (2019). Agreement and Repeatability of Non-cycloplegic and Cycloplegic Wavefront-based Autorefraction in Children. OVS.


  • T. Meyer, M. Tiburcy, N. Küpper, R. Blendowske, W. H. Zimmermann: Inotropy and chronotropy screens in engineered human myocardium by video-optical analysis in a 48 well format, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, Volume 93, September–October 2018, p. 127-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.vascn.2018.01.429
  • S. Döhler, G. Durand, und E. Roquain: New FDR bounds for discrete and heterogeneous tests, Electronic Journal of Statistics, publication at project euclid, Volume 12, Number 1 2018), 1867-1900
  • S. Döhler: A discrete modification of the Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure, Econometrics and Statistics, preprint arXiv, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecosta.2016.12.002, (2018), vol 5, p. 137-147
  • G. Durand, F. Junge: DiscreteFDR: Multiple Testing Procedures with Adaptation for Discrete Tests, CRAN: R package version 1.0
  • R. Neubecker, M. Heizmann: Praxisgerechte Vorgehensweisen zur Evaluation klassifizierender Bildverarbeitungssysteme, tm - Technisches Messen, ISSN (Online) 2196-7113, ISSN (Print) 0171-8096, (2018), DOI: 10.1515/teme-2017-0127
  • J. Ohser: Angewandte Bildverarbeitung und Bildanalyse, Carl Hanser Verlag, Leipzig (2018), ISBN 978-3-446-44933-6
  • R. Piat, Y. Zuo, P. Megyesi: Numerical Modeling of the 2D Crack Propagation in Carbon-Carbon Composites, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, volume 39, issue 3, 2018, pps. 89-107,
  • R. Piat, P. A. Happ: Analysis of the Analytical and Numerical Studies for Crack Widening in Lamellar Metal-Ceramic Composites. Key Engineering Materials, volume 774, pps. 385-390, DOI: 10.4028/
  • S. Reichel, C. Lempa, P. Hartmann, U. Petzold, F. Rupp, und R. Jedamzik: Ein Vorschlag zur objektiven Schlieren-Messtechnik in optischem Glas: erste Ergebnisse. DGaO Proceedings, ISSN 1614-8436, 2018, PDF
  • S. Reichel, P. Hartmann, U. Petzold, S. Gärtner, & H. Gross: Effects of striae inside optical glasses on optical systems, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 10690, 2018, DOI: 10.1117/12.2312412
  • D. Fortun, M. Storath, D. Rickert, A. Weinmann, M. Unser: Fast piecewise-affine motion estimation without segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 27, issue 11 (Nov. 2018), pps. 5612-5624,
    DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2018.2856399
  • K. Bredies, M. Holler, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Total generalized variation for manifold-valued data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, volume 11, issue 3 (2018), pps. 1785-1848,
  • M. Kiechle, M. Storath, A. Weinmann, and M. Kleinsteuber: Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 27, issue 4, 2018,
    DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2018.2792904
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Fast median filtering for phase or orientation data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 40 issue 3, 2018,
    DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2017.2692779
  • W. Erb, A. Weinmann, M. Ahlborg, C. Brandt, G. Bringout, T. M. Buzug, J. Frikel, C. Kaethner, T. Knopp, T. März, M. Möddel, M. Storath, and A. Weber: Mathematical analysis of the 1D model and reconstruction schemes for magnetic particle imaging, Inverse Problems, Volume 34, Number 5, 2018,
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/aab8d1,


  • C. Blankenburg, A. Rack, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Torsion estimation of particle paths through porous media observed by in-situ time-resolved microtomography, in Journal of Microscopy 266(2017)2, p. 141-152,
  • R. Blendowske: Simple approach to the generalized Minkwitz theorem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34 (2017), pp. 1481-1483,
    DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.34.001481
  • R. Blendowske: Transiente Veränderung der optischen Eigenschaften des Auge bei Diabetes Mellitus (Typ 1), Deutsche Optiker Zeitung (DOZ), 4(2017)129-133, PDF
  • T.M. Fischer: On the algorithm by Al-Mohy and Higham for computing the action of the matrix exponential: A posteriori roundoff error estimation, Linear Algebra Appl. 531 (2017), pp. 141–168,
    DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2017.05.042
  • T. Li, J. Pareja, L. Becker, W. Heddrich, A. Dreizler, B. Böhm: Quasi-4D laser diagnostics using an acousto-optic deflector scanning system, in Applied Physics B (2017)123: 78.
    DOI: 10.1007/s00340-017-6663-5
  • R. Piat, M. Kashtalyan, I. Guz: Influence of the crack widening on the transverse cracking in lamellar metal-ceramic composites, Key Engineering Matherials, Vol.754 (2017), 83-86,
    DOI: 10.4028/
  • R. Piat, M. Kashtalyan, I. Guz: Modeling of the damage in the MMC with lamellar microstructure. Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 37 (7): 189-200 (2017)
  • Y. Sinchuk, R. Piat, B. Nait-Ali: Micro-computed tomography image based thermo-elastic properties studies of freeze-cast MMC. Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 37(7): 201-209 (2017)
  • S. Reichel, P. Hartmann, U. Petzold, C. Lempa: Preliminary results of a new proposal for objective human independent striae measurement, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, edited by Peter Lehmann, Wolfgang Osten, Armando Albertazzi Gonçalves Jr., Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10329, 103291I, 2017,
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2268989
  • S. Reichel, S. Gärtner, P. Hartmann, U. Petzold, H. Gross: Effects of striae in optical glass on optical systems – first results, DGaO Proceedings 2017, B23 (118. Tagung), PDF
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann, M. Unser: Jump-penalized least absolute values estimation of scalar or circle-valued signals, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, Volume 6, Issue 3, 1 September 2017, Pages 225–245,
  • M. Storath, D. Rickert, M. Unser, A. Weinmann: Fast segmentation from blurred data in 3D fluorescence microscopy, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26 (2017), 4856-4870,
  • M. Storath, C. Brandt, M. Hofmann, T. Knopp, J. Salamon, A. Weber, A. Weinmann: Edge preserving and noise reducing reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36 (2017), 74-85,


  • C. Becker: What determines the average correlation of stock returns?, MathFinance-Conference, 21./22.03.2016, Frankfurt
  • C. Blankenburg, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Estimating torsion of digital curves using 3D image analysis, in: Image Anal Stereol 35 (2016), p. 81-91,
  • R. Blendowske, M. Kalb: Transient Ocular Wavefront Data in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Optometry and Vision Science, 2016, 93, No. 7, pp. 772-778
  • S. Döhler: A discrete Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, DAGStat 2016 - "Statistics under one umbrella", Postersession, 14.-18.März 2016, Göttingen
  • S. Döhler: A discrete modification of the Benjamini-Yekutieli procedure, Econometrics and Statistics,preprint (arXiv)
  • M. Kaufmann, S. Neser: Charakterisierung und Kalibrierung einer pulslaufzeitmessenden Time-of-Flight-Kamera; in Th. Luhmann / Ch. Müller (Hrsg.), Photogrammetrie - Laserscanning - Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2016, ISBN 978-3-87907-604-8, S. 218-226
  • R. Neubecker, J. E. Hon: Automatic inspection for surface imperfections: requirements, potentials and limits; in Proc. SPIE 10009, Third European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, 1000907 (June 30, 2016);
  • O. Wirjadi, K. Schladitz, P. Easwaran, J. Ohser: Estimating fibre direction distributions of reinforced composites from tomographic images, Image Anal Stereol 35(2016) pp. 167-179,
  • C. Redenbach, J. Ohser, A. Moghiseh: Second-order characteristics of the edge system of tessellations and the PPI value of foams, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Brobab. 18(2016), pp. 59-79,
  • A. Pfeifer: Finanzmathematik - Lehrbuch für Studium und Praxis. Mit Futures, Optionen, Swaps und anderen Derivaten; Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten 6., aktualisierte Auflage 2016
  • M. Kashtalyan, R. Piat, I. Gus: Transverse cracking in metal/ceramic composites with lamellar microstructure.
    DOI:10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.421, Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 3377-3384 (2016)
  • M. Kashtalyan, Y. Sinchuk, R. Piat, I. Gus: Analysis of multiple cracking in metal/ceramic composites with lamellar microstructure, in: Arch Appl Mech 86(1), 177-188 (2016),
  • S. Reichel, R. Biertümpfel, U. Brauneck, S. Bourquin, A. Marín-Franch: „Advanced astronomical filter design: challenges, strategy, and results to meet current and future requirements”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes & Instrumentation, Edinburgh, Scottland 26.06.-01.07. 2016,
    Proc. SPIE 9912
  • S. Reichel, R. Biertümpfel, U. Brauneck, S. Bourquin, A. Marín-Franch: „The legacy of filter design and how that has extended into current choices for advanced astronomical filter”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes & Instrumentation, Edinburgh, Scottland 26.06.-01.07. 2016,
    Proc. SPIE 9912
  • S. Reichel, U. Brauneck, S. Bourquin, A. Marín-Franch: „First results on narrow bandpass steep edge optical filters for the JST/T250 telescope instrumentation”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes & Instrumentation, Edinburgh, Scottland 26.06.-01.07. 2016,
    Proc. SPIE 9912
  • T. März, A. Weinmann: Model-based reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging in 2D and 3D, Inverse Problems and Imaging 10 (2016), 1087-1110, arXiv,
  • A. Stefanoiu, A. Weinmann, M. Storath, N. Navab, M. Baust: Joint segmentation and shape regularization with a generalized forward backward algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 25 (2016), 3384-3394,
    DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2016.2567068
  • M. Baust, A. Weinmann, M. Wieczorek, T. Lasser, M. Storath, N. Navab: Combined tensor fitting and TV regularization in diffusion tensor imaging based on a Riemannian manifold approach,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35 (2016), 1972-1989
  • M. Storath, M. Unser, A. Weinmann: Exact algorithms for L1-TV regularization of real-valued or circle-valued signals, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(1)2016: A614–A630,
  • M. Bacak, R. Bergmann, G. Steidl, A. Weinmann: A second order non-smooth variational model for restoring manifold-valued images, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(1)2016: A567-A597,
  • R. Bergmann, A. Weinmann: A second order TV-type approach for inpainting and denoising higher dimensional combined cyclic and vector space data, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 55 Issue 3, 2016, Pages 401-427,
  • L. Demaret, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Mumford-Shah and Potts regularization for manifold-valued data; in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 55 Issue 3, July 2016, Pages 428-445,



  • C. Becker, W.M. Schmidt: Value, Size, Momentum and the Average Correlation of Stock Returns, Working Paper,
  • R. Blendowske: Zum Einstellastigmatismus, Deutsche Optiker Zeitung (DOZ), 2015, 7: 65-67
  • R. Blendowske: Unaided Visual Acuity and Blur: A Simple Model, Optometry and Vision Science, 2015, 92: 121-125
  • I. Castro-Conde, S. Döhler, J. de Una-Alvarez: An extended sequential goodness-of-fit multiple testing method for discrete data, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2015,
  • E. Banbal, J. Kallrath: Exact Optimization of Real-World Cutting Stock Problems with GAMS, Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. XVI (Ed. K.J. Engemann, G.E.Lasker): IIAS, 2015, pp. 21-25.
  • M. Mittendorff, J. Kamann, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, C. Drexler, S. D. Ganichev, J. Kerbusch, A. Erbe, R. J. Suess, T. E. Murphy, S. Chatterjee, K. Kolata, J. Ohser, J. C. König-Otto, H. Schneider, M. Helm, S. Winnerl: Universal ultrafast detector for short optical pulses based on graphene, Optics Express 23(2015), pp. 28728-28735,
  • A. Pfeifer: Binomialverteilung in der Finanzpraxis, in: WISU - Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung 1/15, 44. Jahrgang, S. 69 - 74
  • Uwe Petzold, Ralf Jedamzik, Peter Hartmann, Steffen Reichel: "V-block refractometer for monitoring the production of optical glasses”, SPIE Optical Systems Design in Jena Germany, 07.-10. Sept. 2015,
    Proc. SPIE 9628
  • A. Andelkovic, F. Herfurth, N. Kotovskiy, K. König, B. Maaß, T. Murböck, D. Neidherr, S. Schmidt, J. Steinmann, M. Vogel, G. Vorobjev: Beamline for low-energy transport of highly charged ions at HITRAP, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 795, 109-114, 2015


  • S. Döhler: A sufficient criterion for control of some generalized error rates in multiple testing, Statistics and probability Letters, 92(2014), p.114-120,
  • M. Englert, M., P. Hartmann, S. Reichel: Optical glass: refractive index change with wavelength and temperature, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9131 (SPIE Photonics Europe, Brüssel, April 2014)
  • T.M. Fischer: On the stability of some algorithms for computing the action of the matrix exponential, Linear Algebra Appl. 443 (2014), pp. 1–20,
  • J. Kallrath, S. Rebennack, J. Kallrath, R. Kusche: Solving Real-World Cutting Stock-Problems in the Paper Industry: Mathematical Approaches, Experience and Challenges, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 238(2014)1, pp. 374-389,
  • S. Neser, J.-P. Bernecker: Totalkalibrierung der Entfernungsmessung einer PMD-Kamera; in: Th. Luhmann / Ch. Müller (Hrsg.) Photogrammetrie-Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2014,
    ISBN 978-3-87907-536-2, S. 23-30
  • R. Neubecker: Wie fähig ist mein Inspektionssystem wirklich?, in: VISION 5/2014, S. 10-13
  • R. Neubecker: Fähigkeitsbewertung klassifizierender Bildverarbeitungssysteme für Prüfaufgaben, in: tm - Technisches Messen 81(2014)9, pp. 422-430 sowie 81(2014)10, pp. 499-510
  • R. Neubecker: Capability of classifying inspection systems, in: F. Puente León, M. Heizmann eds., "Proceedings of the Forum Bildverarbeitung 2014", KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe (2014),
    DOI 10.5445/KSP/1000043608
  • J. Ohser, C. Redenbach, A. Moghiseh: The PPI value of open foams and its estimation using image analysis. Int. J. Mat. Res. (IJMR), 105(2014), 671-678,
    DOI 10.3139/146.111051
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Fourier Properties of Approximations of Functions on a Compact Interval with Daubechies Wavelets, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2014
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Identifying a Superposition with Trigonometric Functions by Applying a MRA with the Shannon Wavelet, Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, 2014
  • M. Vogel, H. Häffner, K. Hermanspahn, S. Stahl, J. Steinmann, W. Quint: Resistive and sympathetic cooling of highly-charged ion clouds in a Penning trap, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 90, 043412, 2014
  • J. Steinmann, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: New approach for the induced charge calculation for cylindrical electrodes, GSI Scientific Report 2013, Vol. 2014-1, 173, 2014


  • C. Cottin, S. Döhler: Risikoanalyse. Modellierung, Beurteilung und Management von Risiken mit Praxisbeispielen, Verlag Springer Spektrum, 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Heidelberg 2013
  • M. Englert, M. Kluge, Y. Menke, M. Letz, P. Auchter-Krummel, M. Brinkmann, E. Rädlein, S. Sinzinger: Optische in-situ Prozesskontrolle bei der Herstellung von anorganischen Materialien, Proceedings of the 114. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Braunschweig, Mai 2013
  • M.R.W. Martin: Aspekte der Validierung durch Stresstests und des Trading Book Reviews, in: "Modellrisiko und Validierung von Risikomodellen", herausgegeben von Wehn, C.S., Martin, M.R.W. und Quell, P., erscheint voraussichtlich im Februar 2013
  • M. Lehmann, J. Eisengräber-Pabst, J. Ohser, A. Moghiseh: Characterization of the Formation of Filter Paper using the Bartlett Spectrum of the Fiber Structure, Image Anal. Stereol. 32(2013), 77-87
  • J. Ohser, K. Sandau, J. Kampf, I. Vecchio, A. Moghiseh: Improved Estimation of Fiber Length from 3-Dimensional Images, Image Anal. Stereol. 32(2013), pp. 45-55
  • M. Kautz, R. Schopf, J. Ohser: The "sun effect" - Microclimatic alterations predispose forest edges to bark beetle attak, European Journal of Forest Research (EJFOR), 132(2013), pp. 453-465
  • A. Pfeifer: Bestimmung ganzrationaler Funktionen für die Einkommen- und Erbschaftsteuer, in: WISU - Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung 12/13, 42. Jahrgang, S. 1580 - 1585
  • A. Pfeifer: Praxisbeispiele der Mathematik, in: MNU - Mathematischer und Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht, 66(2013)3, S. 136-142
  • K. Prigarin, K. Sandau, M. Kazmierczak, K. Hahn: Estimation of fractal dimension: A survey with numerical experiments and software description, Int. J. Biomath. Biostat. 2(2013), 167-180
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Approximation of Non L2(R) Functions on a Compact Interval with a Wavelet Base, Jatam 2013 Vol. 2
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Vergleich der Approximationsgüte verschiedener Wavelets zur numerischen Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, Friedberger Hochschulschrift Band 32/33
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Error Estimation and Assessment of an Approximation in a Wavelet Collocation Method, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Implementation and Testing an Algorithm for a Wavelet Collocation Method in Mathematica, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Determination of Optimal Parameters in a Wavelet Collocation Method, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Error Estimation of an Approximation in a Wavelet Collocation Method, Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: An Approach for a Parameter Estimation with a Wavelet Collocation Method, Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, 14(7)2013, Suceava
  • J. Steinmann, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: Simulation of Resistive Cooling in cylindrical Penning Traps, GSI Report 2013-1, 365 p., Darmstadt 2013


  • S. Chamadoira, Ralf Blendowske, and Eva Acosta: Progressive Addition Lens Measurement by Point Diffraction Interferometry, Optometry and Vision Science, 2012, VOL. 89, NO. 10, PP. 1532–1542
  • M. Brinkmann, M. Englert, M. Hagemann: Realistic Ray-Tracing of Surface and Volume Diffusers, Proceedings of the 2nd International Light Simulation Symposium (ILISIS, Nürnberg, März 2012)
  • N. Küppers, C. Gottwald, S. Neser: Ein PMD-basiertes Pick-and-Place-System; in: Th. Luhmann / Ch. Müller (Hrsg.) Photogrammetrie-Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2012, ISBN 978-3-87907-515-7, S. 188-195
  • S. Simons, S. Neser: Vollautomatisierte Montageanlage der Hochschule Darmstadt – Modellfabrik, Lehr- und Forschungsplattform, in: Tagungsband / AALE 2012 : das Forum für Fachleute der Automatisierungstechnik aus Hochschulen und Wirtschaft; 9. Fachkonferenz, Aachen; Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, München, 2012, S. 207-216
  • J. Steinmann, J.Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: MD Simulations of Electron and Resistive Cooling in HITRAP using GPUs, Proceedings of the 10th Non Neutral Plasma Workshop, Greifswald 2012
  • J. Steinmann, J.Groß, G. Zwicknagel, F. Herfurth, S. Fedotova: Einsatz von Grafikkarten zur Simulation von Ionenwolken in Penningfallen, DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 / DPG-Verhandlungen, Stuttgart 2012
  • J. Steinmann, S. Fedotova, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: Simulation of Ion Clouds in Penning traps using graphic boards, in: GSI Scientific Report 2011, Darmstadt 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Reitz: Credit Valuation Adjustments – Mathematical Foundations, Practical Implementation and Wrong Way Risks, in: “Rethinking Valuation and Pricing Models: Lessons Learned from the Crisis and Future Challenges”, herausgegeben von Wehn, C.S., Hoppe, C. und Gregoriu, G.N., erscheint im Elsevier Verlag voraussichtlich zum Jahresende 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken, RisikoManager Jahrbuch 2012/13, herausgegeben von R.F. Erben, September 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Blochwitz: Stresstests für Kontrahentenexposures und Credit Valuation Adjustments, in: Herausgeberband „Kontrahentenrisiko–Bewertung, Steuerung, Unterlegung“, CreditValuationAdjustments und Kontrahentenexposures nach Basel III, Praxiswissen für ökonomische und regulatorische Aspekte; herausgegeben zusammen mit S. Ludwig und C.S. Wehn, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2012
  • M. Kautz, R. Schopf, J. Ohser: The "sun effect" - Microclimatic alterations predispose forest edges to bark beetle attak, European Journal of Forest Research (EJFOR), akzeptiert
  • M. Godehardt, J. Ohser, H. Krebs, A. Staude: Analyse der Porengrößenverteilung in Sprengstoffen anhand von myCT-Aufnahmen der Mikrostruktur, Sprengstoffinfo, Bd. 34 (2012), S. 3.
  • J. Ohser, C. Ferrero, O. Wirjadi, A. Kuznetsova, {J. Düll}, A. Rack: Estimation of the probality of finite percolation in porous microstructures from tomographic images, International Journal of Material Research, Electronics and Electrical System (IJMREES), 103(2012)2
  • A. Pfeifer: Finanzmathematik - Formelsammlung; Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, 1. Auflage 2012
  • M. Schuchmann: Wavelets und Anwendungen; BOD, 2012
  • M. Schuchmann: Approximation and Collocation with Wavelets. Approximations and Numerical Solving of ODEs, PDEs and Ies; DAV, 2012
  • W. Kapraun und B. Ströbel: Ermittlung und Berücksichtigung der Unsicherheit der Phasenbestimmung bei der Streifenprojektion, in: Th. Luhmann/Ch. Müller (Hrsg.), Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2012, Wichmann VDE-Verlag 2012, S. 204-211


  • R. Blendowske: Die Augendrehpunktlage: Praktische und theoretische Anmerkungen, in: DOZ 1-2011, S. 84-87
  • M. Englert, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Analysis and optimization of volume diffusors, Proceedings of the 112. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Ilmenau, Juni 2011
  • J. Steinmann, N. Brantjes, S. Fedotova, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, N. Kotovskiy, M. Shaaban, A. Sokolov, G. Vorobyev: Temperature distribution in the HITRAP cooler Penning trap, in: GSI Scientific Report 2010, Darmstadt 2011
  • M. Englert, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Classification and optimization of volume diffusors for LED lighting applications, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, Darmstadt, September 2011, Written Contribution 24
  • W. Helm, A. Pfeifer, J. Ohser, Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Bachelors, Hanser-Verlag München 2011, ISBN-13: 978-3-446-42787-7
  • M.R.W. Martin: Wie viel Mathe/Statistik brauchen Praxis und Prüfung?, in: Banken Times, FinanzColloquium Heidelberg, Dezember 2011.
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken – Teil 2, in: Risiko-Manager, Heft 17, 2011
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken – Teil 1, in: Risiko-Manager, Heft 16, 2011, S. 1, 6-13
  • M.R.W. Martin, H. Lutz und C.S. Wehn: A practical anatomy of incremental risk charge modeling, The Journal of Risk Model Validation, Volume 5/Number 2, Summer 2011, pp. 45-60
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Blochwitz und C.S. Wehn: Statistical Approaches to PD Validation, in: The Basel II Risk Parameters: Estimation, Validation, Stress Testing - with Applications to Loan Risk Management, B. Engelmann und R. Rauhmeier (Hrsg.), 2nd edition, Springer, 2011
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Clearing House-Konzepte versus bankaufsichtsrechtliche Regulierung - Alternativen zur Steuerung und Überwachung der Kontrahentenrisiken, Kredit & Rating Praxis 1/2011, S. 13-16
  • S. Neser, E. Ranft: Chancen und Herausforderungen von ToF-Kamerasystemen mit abgesetzten Lichtquellen, in Th. Luhmann / Ch. Müller (Hrsg.) Photogrammetrie-Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2011, S. 284-291
  • M. Kautz, J. Düll, J. Ohser: Spatial dependence of random sets and its application to dispersion of bark beetle infestation in a natural forest, Image Anal. Stereol., 30(2011)November
  • J. Ohser: Quantitative Gefügeanalyse, in: Metallografie, ed. H. Schumann, H. Oettel, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Berlin (2011), 15., revised and enlarged Edition, pp. 233-263
  • M. Schuchmann: Jetzt lerne ich Analysis für die Oberstufe; BOD, 2011
  • B. Ströbel: Demonstration and study of the dispersion of water waves with a computer-controlled ripple tank, American Journal of Physics, 79(2011)June, pp. 581-590, DOI:10.1119/1.3556140


Publications by members of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, sorted by authors

A - C

  • C. Becker: What determines the average correlation of stock returns?, MathFinance-Conference, 21./22.03.2016, Frankfurt
  • C. Becker, W.M. Schmidt: Value, Size, Momentum and the Average Correlation of Stock Returns, Working Paper,
  • C. Blankenburg, A. Rack, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Torsion estimation of particle paths through porous media observed by in-situ time-resolved microtomography, in Journal of Microscopy 266(2017)2, p. 141-152,
  • C. Blankenburg, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Estimating torsion of digital curves using 3D image analysis, in: Image Anal Stereol 35 (2016), p. 81-91, DOI: 10.5566/ias.1420
  • T. Meyer, M. Tiburcy, N. Küpper, R. Blendowske, W. H. Zimmermann: Inotropy and chronotropy screens in engineered human myocardium by video-optical analysis in a 48 well format, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, Volume 93, September–October 2018, p. 127-128,
  • R. Blendowske: Simple approach to the generalized Minkwitz theorem, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34 (2017), pp. 1481-1483, DOI:10.1364/JOSAA.34.001481
  • R. Blendowske: Transiente Veränderung der optischen Eigenschaften des Auge bei Diabetes Mellitus (Typ 1), Deutsche Optiker Zeitung (DOZ), 4(2017)129-133, PDF
  • R. Blendowske, M. Kalb: Transient Ocular Wavefront Data in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Optometry and Vision Science, 2016, 93, No. 7, pp. 772-778
  • R. Blendowske: Zum Einstellastigmatismus, Deutsche Optiker Zeitung (DOZ), 2015, 7: 65-67
  • R. Blendowske: Unaided Visual Acuity and Blur: A Simple Model, Optometry and Vision Science, 2015, 92: 121-125
  • S. Chamadoira, Ralf Blendowske, and Eva Acosta: Progressive Addition Lens Measurement by Point Diffraction Interferometry, Optometry and Vision Science, 2012, VOL. 89, NO. 10, PP. 1532–1542
  • R. Blendowske: Die Augendrehpunktlage: Praktische und theoretische Anmerkungen, in: DOZ 1-2011, S. 84-87
  • R. Blendowske: Role of optics in the accuracy of depth-from-defocus systems: comment, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 24, No. 10, October 2007
  • R. Blendowske: Kommentare zu Izon Gläsern, in: DOZ 8-2007
  • R. Blendowske, H. Klöß: Brillengläser und die Korrektion der Abbildungsfehler höherer Ordnung, in: DOZ 6-2007, S. 18-25
  • R. Blendowske: Warum funktionieren Gleitsichtgläser? über Aberrationen in der Progressionszone, in: DOZ 2-2007, S.60-64
  • E. Acosta, R. Blendowske: Paraxial optics of astigmatic systems: Relations between the wavefront and the ray picture approach, in: Optometry and Vision Science, 84 (2007), p.72-p.78
  • Matthias Brinkmann, Mit Ultraschall auf Abstand“ (2022)::
  • Matthias Brinkmann, "Optische (Aus-)Bildung in der Schule und im Kinderzimmer", DGaO-Proceedings 2022,
  • Matthias Brinkmann, Charlotte Dachroth, Ole Jeschonnek, Uwe Langbein, "Analysis of glory phenomena created by retroreflecting microspheres," Opt. Eng. 61(6), 064109 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.61.6.064109
  • M. Brinkmann, M. Englert, M. Hagemann: Realistic Ray-Tracing of Surface and Volume Diffusers, Proceedings of the 2nd International Light Simulation Symposium (ILISIS, Nürnberg, März 2012)
  • M. Englert, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Analysis and optimization of volume diffusors, Proceedings of the 112. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Ilmenau, Juni 2011
  • M. Brinkmann, F. Braun, M. Hagemann, E. Jäger: Diffraktive Optische Elemente erobern den Markt, Optik und Photonik (Wiley-VCH) 1 (April 2009), S.50-54
  • M. Brinkmann, E. Hergenröther, J. Wietzke: Binocular Concept for Stereoscopic Head-Up-Displays, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (Darmstadt, September 2009), p.79-88
  • M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Optical and Electronic Luminance Homogenization for OLED Devices, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (Darmstadt, September 2009), p.648-653
  • C. Sauer, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Optical Characterization of surface and volume diffusers for LED lighting applications, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (Darmstadt, September 2009), p.773-782
  • A. Kühnen, K. Meerholz, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann, S. Sinzinger: Simultaneous color and luminance control of organic light-emitting diodes for mood-lighting applications, Applied Physics Letters 92, 033305 (2008); DOI:10.1063/1.2837409
  • H. Fouckhardt, I. Steingoetter, M. Brinkmann, M. Hagemann, H. Zarschizky, and L. Zschiedrich: nm- and μm-scale surface roughness on glass with specific optical scattering characteristics on demand, in: Advances in OptoElectronics, Volume 2007, Article ID 27316, DOI:10.1155/2007/27316
  • M. Brinkmann, E. Pawlowski, U. Rohlfing, S. Stauss: Chromatic Dispersion Compensation via Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs) for standard and LED based PES head lamps, ISAL Proceedings, 2007, p.281-287
  • M. Brinkmann, R. Mayer: Performance Analysis of the Virtual Image from automotive HeadUp-Displays (HUD), ISAL Proceedings, 2007, p.491-498
  • M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann, K. Bonrad, F. Voges, T. Ruths, M. Bluhm, D. Michaelis, C. Wachter, S. Kudaev, S. Sinzinger: OLEDs for Automotive Lighting, ISAL Proceedings, 2007, p.550-557

D - F

  • M. Englert, M., P. Hartmann, S. Reichel: Optical glass: refractive index change with wavelength and temperature, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9131 (SPIE Photonics Europe, Brüssel, April 2014)
  • M. Englert, M. Kluge, Y. Menke, M. Letz, P. Auchter-Krummel, M. Brinkmann, E. Rädlein, S. Sinzinger: Optische in-situ Prozesskontrolle bei der Herstellung von anorganischen Materialien, Proceedings of the 114. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Braunschweig, Mai 2013
  • M. Englert, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Classification and optimization of volume diffusors for LED lighting applications, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, Darmstadt, September 2011, Written Contribution 24
  • M. Englert, W. Juschtschenko, M. Hagemann, M. Brinkmann: Analysis and optimization of volume diffusors, Proceedings of the 112. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Ilmenau, Juni 2011
  • T.M. Fischer: On the algorithm by Al-Mohy and Higham for computing the action of the matrix exponential: A posteriori roundoff error estimation, Linear Algebra Appl. 531 (2017), pp. 141–168, DOI:10.1016/j.laa.2017.05.042
  • T.M. Fischer: On the stability of some algorithms for computing the action of the matrix exponential, Linear Algebra Appl. 443 (2014), pp. 1–20, DOI:10.1016/j.laa.2013.11.003

G - I

  • „Quality-Enhancing Techniques for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, veröffentlicht in MDPI Mathematics 10.18 (2022)
  • "A two-stage Model-Based Regularized Reconstruction Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Thomas März, Vladyslav Gapyak, Andreas Weinmann, AMEE Conference Proceedings, (2022)
  • "Quality-Enhancing Techniques for a Two-Stage Model-Based Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, ICNAAM Conference Proceedings, (2022):
  • J. Gregori, S Randoll, S Hoffmann, M Günther, „Method for combining different partial data“, US Patent 11,341,273 (2022)
  • D Mensing, J Gregori, J Jenne, M Stritt, B Gerold, M Günther, „LSTM-U-net for the robust segmentation of veins in ultrasound sequences“, Proceedings Volume 12034, Medical Imaging 2022: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling; 120341R (2022), DOI: 10.1117/12.2608085
  • CE Weber, J Krämer, M Wittayer, J Gregori, S Randoll, F Weiler, S Heldmann, C Roßmanith, M Platten, A Gass, P Eisele, „Association of iron rim lesions with brain and cervical cord volume in relapsing multiple sclerosis“, European Radiology 32 (3), 2012-2022 (2022)
  • J. Steinmann, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: New approach for the induced charge calculation for cylindrical electrodes, GSI Scientific Report 2013, Vol. 2014-1, 173, 2014
  • J. Steinmann, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: Simulation of Resistive Cooling in cylindrical Penning Traps, GSI Report 2013-1, 365 p., Darmstadt 2013
  • J. Steinmann, J.Groß, F. Herfurth und G. Zwicknagel: MD Simulations of Electron and Resistive Cooling in HITRAP using GPUs, Proceedings of the 10th Non Neutral Plasma Workshop, Greifswald 2012
  • J. Steinmann, J.Groß, G. Zwicknagel, F. Herfurth und S. Fedotova: Einsatz von Grafikkarten zur Simulation von Ionenwolken in Penningfallen, DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 / DPG-Verhandlungen, Stuttgart 2012
  • J. Steinmann, S. Fedotova, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: Simulation of Ion Clouds in Penning traps using graphic boards, in: GSI Scientific Report 2011, Darmstadt 2012
  • J. Steinmann, N. Brantjes, S. Fedotova, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, N. Kotovskiy, M. Shaaban, A. Sokolov, G. Vorobyev: Temperature distribution in the HITRAP cooler Penning trap, in: GSI Scientific Report 2010, Darmstadt 2011
  • M. Wolf, J. Kojouharova, I. Kojouharova, T. Engert, J. Gerl, J. Groß, H.-J. Wollersheim: Temperature Distribution Study of Composite Germanium Detector, Comsol Physics Conference, Grenoble, Oktober 2007

J - L

  • E. Banbal, J. Kallrath: Exact Optimization of Real-World Cutting Stock Problems with GAMS, Advances in Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. XVI (Ed. K.J. Engemann, G.E.Lasker): IIAS, 2015, pp. 21-25.
  • J. Kallrath, S. Rebennack, J. Kallrath, R. Kusche: Solving Real-World Cutting Stock-Problems in the Paper Industry: Mathematical Approaches, Experience and Challenges, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 238(2014)1, pp. 374-389, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2014.03.027
  • C. Lautensack, S. Zuyev: Random Laguerre Tessellations, Advances in Applied Probability, 40 (2008) 3, pp. 630-650
  • C. Lautensack: Fitting three-dimensional Laguerre tessellations to foam structures, Journal of Applied Statistics, 35 (2008) 9, pp. 985-995
  • C. Lautensack, M. Giertzsch, M. Godehardt, K. Schladitz: Modelling a ceramic foam using locally adaptable morphology, Journal of Microscopy, 230 (2008) 3, pp. 396-404
  • C. Lautensack, A review on analytic formulae for Poisson Laguerre Tessellations, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD 2008), Volume 2, pp. 6-18
  • C. Lautensack, T. Sych, A random Weaire-Phelan foam, in: Proceedings of the VIII. International Conference on Stereology and Image Analysis in Materials Science STERMAT, Zakopane, 2008
  • C. Lautensack, H. Ewe, P. Klein, T. Sych, 3D Characterization, Modeling and Effective Thermal Conductivity of Open Aluminium Foams, in: Aluminium Alloys, Their Physical and Mechanical Properties, Proceedings of ICAA11, Volume 2 (2008), pp. 1368-1374

M - O

  • „Quality-Enhancing Techniques for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, veröffentlicht in MDPI Mathematics 10.18 (2022)
  • "A two-stage Model-Based Regularized Reconstruction Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Thomas März, Vladyslav Gapyak, Andreas Weinmann, AMEE Conference Proceedings, (2022)
  • "Quality-Enhancing Techniques for a Two-Stage Model-Based Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, ICNAAM Conference Proceedings, (2022):
  • Inna Mikhailova, Riegler, P.; Maas, Ch. (Hrsg.) (2022): Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in der Mathematik. Mathematik-Lehre forschend betrachten. DUZ open. DOI 10.36197/DUZOPEN.030
  • Thomas Blotevogel, Inna Mikhailova, Is it possible to identify student bottlenecks using quality management tools?  Proceedings of EuroSoTL 2022, Manchester:
  • Inna Mikhailova, Basics of Mathematics via Robotics, Proceedings of Polytechnic Summit 2022, Darmstadt
  • M.R.W. Martin: Aspekte der Validierung durch Stresstests und des Trading Book Reviews, in: "Modellrisiko und Validierung von Risikomodellen", herausgegeben von Wehn, C.S., Martin, M.R.W. und Quell, P., erscheint voraussichtlich im Februar 2013
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Reitz: Credit Valuation Adjustments – Mathematical Foundations, Practical Implementation and Wrong Way Risks, in: “Rethinking Valuation and Pricing Models: Lessons Learned from the Crisis and Future Challenges”, herausgegeben von Wehn, C.S., Hoppe, C. und Gregoriu, G.N., erscheint im Elsevier Verlag voraussichtlich zum Jahresende 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken, RisikoManager Jahrbuch 2012/13, herausgegeben von R.F. Erben, September 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Blochwitz: Stresstests für Kontrahentenexposures und Credit Valuation Adjustments, in: Herausgeberband „Kontrahentenrisiko–Bewertung, Steuerung, Unterlegung“, CreditValuationAdjustments und Kontrahentenexposures nach Basel III, Praxiswissen für ökonomische und regulatorische Aspekte; herausgegeben zusammen mit S. Ludwig und C.S. Wehn, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 2012
  • M.R.W. Martin: Wie viel Mathe/Statistik brauchen Praxis und Prüfung?, in: Banken Times, FinanzColloquium Heidelberg, Dezember 2011.
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken – Teil 2, in: Risiko-Manager, Heft 17, 2011
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Neue Methoden und Ansätze zur Quantifizierung und Kapitalunterlegung der Kontrahentenrisiken – Teil 1, in: Risiko-Manager, Heft 16, 2011, S. 1, 6-13
  • M.R.W. Martin, H. Lutz und C.S. Wehn: A practical anatomy of incremental risk charge modeling, The Journal of Risk Model Validation, Volume 5/Number 2, Summer 2011, pp. 45-60
  • M.R.W. Martin, S. Blochwitz und C.S. Wehn: Statistical Approaches to PD Validation, in: The Basel II Risk Parameters: Estimation, Validation, Stress Testing - with Applications to Loan Risk Management, B. Engelmann und R. Rauhmeier (Hrsg.), 2nd edition, Springer, 2011
  • M.R.W. Martin, M. Pietrzak und K.-H. Bächstädt: Clearing House-Konzepte versus bankaufsichtsrechtliche Regulierung - Alternativen zur Steuerung und Überwachung der Kontrahentenrisiken, Kredit & Rating Praxis 1/2011, S. 13-16
  • M.R.W. Martin, C.S. Wehn: BTR 2 - Marktpreisrisiken, in: Bearbeitungs- und Prüfungsleitfaden Neue MaRisk. (Hrsg.: Becker, A., Klein, Th.), FinanzColloquium Heidelberg, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, 2010
  • M.R.W. Martin: Stresstests in Kontrahentenrisikomesssystemen, in: Handbuch „Szenarioanalysen und Stresstests in der Bank- und Versicherungspraxis. Regulatorische Anforderungen, Umsetzung, Steuerung“. Hrsg.: W. Gruber, M.R.W. Martin & C.S. Wehn, Schäffer-Poeschl-Verlag, 2010
  • M.R.W. Martin: Identification and classification of Model Risks in Counterparty Credit Risk Measurement Systems, in: Model Risk - challenges and solutions for financial risk models. (Ed.: D. Rösch, H. Scheule). RISK Books, 2010
  • M.R.W. Martin: Model Risk in Counterparty Exposure Modeling, in: The Risk Modeling Evaluation Handbook: Rethinking Financial Risk Management Methodologies in the Global Capital Markets. (Ed.: Gregoriou, G.N., Hoppe, C., Wehn, C.S.), McGraw-Hill Professionals, 2010
  • M.R.W. Martin, C.S. Wehn: BTR 2 - Marktpreisrisiken, in: Bearbeitungs- und Prüfungsleitfaden Neue MaRisk. (Hrsg.: Becker, A., Klein, Th.), FinanzColloquium Heidelberg, November 2009
  • M.R.W. Martin, Ph. Stegner: Mit validen Ratings durch Krise und Prüfung, in: Banken-Times, FinanzColloquium Heidelberg, Februar 2009, S. 5.-7
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  • S. Neser, A. Seyfarth: Der Einfluss der Lichtquellengeometrie auf die Entfernungsmessung von PMDKameras; in: Th. Luhmann / Ch. Müller (Hrsg.) Photogrammetrie-Laserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2010, S. 389-396 (PDF)
  • C. Oelschlaeger, N. Willenbacher, S. Neser: Multiple-Particle Tracking (MPT) Measurements of Heterogeneities in Acrylic Thickener Solutions, in: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, DOI:10.1063/1.2964475
  • R. Neubecker, J. E. Hon: Automatic inspection for surface imperfections: requirements, potentials and limits; in Proc. SPIE 10009, Third European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, 1000907 (June 30, 2016); DOI: 10.1117/12.2235863
  • R. Neubecker: Wie fähig ist mein Inspektionssystem wirklich?, in: VISION 5/2014, S. 10-13
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  • Michael Godehardt, AliMoghiseh, Christine Oetjen, Joachim Ohser, and Katja Schladitz (2022): An unambiguous cloudiness index for Nonwovens / Journal of Mathematics in Industry (
  • J. Ohser, P. Haas, F. Fahrbach, A. Schwämmle, S. Osterroth, D. Dobrovolskij: Attenuation correction for confocal laser scanning microscopy and its application in chromatography, J. Microsc., 278 (2020), 76-88, DOI:10.1111/jmi.12888
  • R. León, W. Nagel, J. Ohser, S. Arscott: Modeling crack patterns by modified STIT tessellations, Image Analysis & Stereology, 39 (2020), 33-46, DOI:10.5566/ias.2245
  • S. Osterroth, P. Menstell, A. Schwämmle, J. Ohser, K. Steiner: Adjoint optimization for the general rate model of liquid chromatography, Comp. Chem. Engineering 133 (2020), 106657, DOI:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2019.106657
  • J. Ohser, D. Dobrovolskij, C. Blankenburg, A. Rack: Time-resolved phase-contrast microtomographic imaging of two-phase solid–liquid flow through porous media, Int. J. Materials Res. 111 (2020), pp86-89, DOI:10.3139/146.111850
  • J. Ohser, J. Lacayo-Pineda, M. Putman, A. Rack, D. Dobrovolskij: Estimation of filler macro-dispersion in rubber matrix by radiometric stereo microscopy, Journal of Microscopy, 274(2019), pp.32-44, DOI:10.1111/jmi.12782
  • J. Ohser: Angewandte Bildverarbeitung und Bildanalyse, Carl Hanser Verlag, Leipzig (2018), ISBN 978-3-446-44933-6
  • C. Blankenburg, A. Rack, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Torsion estimation of particle paths through porous media observed by in-situ time-resolved microtomography, in Journal of Microscopy 266(2017)2, p. 141-152, DOI:10.1111/jmi.12524
  • O. Wirjadi, K. Schladitz, P. Easwaran, J. Ohser: Estimating fibre direction distributions of reinforced composites from tomographic images, Image Anal Stereol 35(2016) pp. 167-179, DOI:10.5566/ias.1489
  • C. Blankenburg, C. Daul, J. Ohser: Estimating torsion of digital curves using 3D image analysis, in: Image Anal Stereol 35 (2016), p. 81-91, DOI:10.5566/ias.1420
  • C. Redenbach, J. Ohser, A. Moghiseh: Second-order characteristics of the edge system of tessellations and the PPI value of foams, Methodol. Comput. Appl. Brobab. 18(2016), 59-79, DOI:10.1007/s11009-014-9403-x
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  • J. Ohser, C. Redenbach, A. Moghiseh: The PPI value of open foams and its estimation using image analysis. Int. J. Mat. Res. (IJMR), 105(2014), 671-678, DOI:10.3139/146.111051
  • M. Lehmann, J. Eisengräber-Pabst, J. Ohser, A. Moghiseh: Characterization of the Formation of Filter Paper using the Bartlett Spectrum of the Fiber Structure, Image Anal. Stereol. 32(2013), 77-87
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  • M. Kautz, R. Schopf, J. Ohser: The "sun effect" - Microclimatic alterations predispose forest edges to bark beetle attak, European Journal of Forest Research (EJFOR), 132(2013), pp. 453-465
  • M. Godehardt, J. Ohser, H. Krebs, A. Staude: Analyse der Porengrößenverteilung in Sprengstoffen anhand von myCT-Aufnahmen der Mikrostruktur, Sprengstoffinfo, Bd. 34 (2012), S. 3.
  • J. Ohser, C. Ferrero, O. Wirjadi, A. Kuznetsova, J. Düll, A. Rack: Estimation of the probality of finite percolation in porous microstructures from tomographic images, International Journal of Material Research, Electronics and Electrical System (IJMREES), 103(2012)2
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  • J. Ohser: Quantitative Gefügeanalyse, in: Metallografie, ed. H. Schumann, H. Oettel, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Berlin (2011), 15., revised and enlarged Edition, pp. 233-263
  • B. Stanislawski, E. Schmit, J. Ohser: Imaging of fluorophores in chromotographic beads, reconstruction of radial density distributions and characterisation of protein uptaking processes, Image Anal. Stereol., 29(2010)November, pp. 181-189
  • V. Weiss, J. Ohser, W. Nagel: Second moment measure and K-function for planar STIT tesselations, Image Anal. Stereol., 29(2010)June, pp. 121-131
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  • J. Ohser, K. Schladitz: 3D Images of Materials Structures - Processing and Analysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Berlin 2009
  • K. Sandfort, J. Ohser: Labeling of n-dimensional images with choosable adjacency of the pixels, Image Anal. Stereol., 28(2009)March, pp. 45-61
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  • A. Rack, L. Helfen, T. Baumbach, T. Kiste, J. Banhart, J. Ohser: Analysis of spatial cross-correlations in multi-constituent volume data, Journal of Microscopy 232(2008)2, pp. 282-292
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  • R. Piat, P. A. Happ: Numerical studies of the correlation between inclusion shape and effective elastic properties of the particle reinforced composites. Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 827, pps. 234-239
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  • R. Piat, P. A. Happ: Analysis of the Analytical and Numerical Studies for Crack Widening in Lamellar Metal-Ceramic Composites. Key Engineering Materials, volume 774, pps. 385-390, DOI: 10.4028/
  • R. Piat, M. Kashtalyan, I. Guz: Influence of the crack widening on the transverse cracking in lamellar metal-ceramic composites, Key Engineering Matherials, Vol.754 (2017), 83-86, DOI: 10.4028/
  • R. Piat, M. Kashtalyan, I. Guz: Modeling of the damage in the MMC with lamellar microstructure. Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 37 (7): 189-200 (2017)
  • Y. Sinchuk, R. Piat, B. Nait-Ali: Micro-computed tomography image based thermo-elastic properties studies of freeze-cast MMC. Developments in Strategic Ceramic Materials II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 37(7): 201-209 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/9781119321811.ch19
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  • S. Reichel, C. Lempa, P. Hartmann, U. Petzold, F. Rupp, und R. Jedamzik: Ein Vorschlag zur objektiven Schlieren-Messtechnik in optischem Glas: erste Ergebnisse. DGaO Proceedings, ISSN 1614-8436, 2018, PDF
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  • S. Reichel, U. Brauneck, S. Bourquin, A. Marín-Franch: „First results on narrow bandpass steep edge optical filters for the JST/T250 telescope instrumentation”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes & Instrumentation, Edinburgh, Scottland 26.06.-01.07. 2016, Proc. SPIE 9912
  • Uwe Petzold, Ralf Jedamzik, Peter Hartmann, Steffen Reichel: "V-block refractometer for monitoring the production of optical glasses”, SPIE Optical Systems Design in Jena Germany, 07.-10. Sept. 2015, Proc. SPIE 9628
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  • K. Sandau, J. Ohser: The Chord Length Transform and the Segmentation of Crossing Fibres, in: Journal of Microscopy, 226 (2007), p.43-p.53
  • K. Hahn, S. Prigarin, K. Rodenacker, K. Sandau: A fractal dimension for exploratory fMRI analysis, in: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15, poster #1858 (2007)
  • W. Sanns: Catastrophe Theory, in : Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science; Springer Verlag, 2009
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Fourier Properties of Approximations of Functions on a Compact Interval with Daubechies Wavelets, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2014
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Identifying a Superposition with Trigonometric Functions by Applying a MRA with the Shannon Wavelet, Journal of Approximation Theory and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, 2014
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Approximation of Non L2(R) Functions on a Compact Interval with a Wavelet Base, Jatam 2013 Vol. 2
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Vergleich der Approximationsgüte verschiedener Wavelets zur numerischen Lösung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, Friedberger Hochschulschrift Band 32/33
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Error Estimation and Assessment of an Approximation in a Wavelet Collocation Method, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Implementation and Testing an Algorithm for a Wavelet Collocation Method in Mathematica, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2013
  • M. Schuchmann, M. Rasguljajew: Determination of Optimal Parameters in a Wavelet Collocation Method, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2013
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  • M. Schuchmann: Wavelets und Anwendungen; BOD, 2012
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  • A. Andelkovic, F. Herfurth, N. Kotovskiy, K. König, B. Maaß, T. Murböck, D. Neidherr, S. Schmidt, J. Steinmann, M. Vogel, G. Vorobjev: Beamline for low-energy transport of highly charged ions at HITRAP, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 795, 109-114, 2015
  • M. Vogel, H. Häffner, K. Hermanspahn, S. Stahl, J. Steinmann, W. Quint: Resistive and sympathetic cooling of highly-charged ion clouds in a Penning trap, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 90, 043412, 2014
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  • J. Steinmann, J. Groß, F. Herfurth, G. Zwicknagel: New approach for the induced charge calculation for cylindrical electrodes, GSI Scientific Report 2013, Vol. 2014-1, 173, 2014
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  • W. Kapraun und B. Ströbel: Ermittlung und Berücksichtigung der Unsicherheit der Phasenbestimmung bei der Streifenprojektion, in: Th. Luhmann/Ch. Müller (Hrsg.), Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik, Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2012, Wichmann VDE-Verlag 2012, S. 204-211
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W - Z

  • „Quality-Enhancing Techniques for Model-Based Reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, veröffentlicht in MDPI Mathematics 10.18 (2022)
  • "A two-stage Model-Based Regularized Reconstruction Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Thomas März, Vladyslav Gapyak, Andreas Weinmann, AMEE Conference Proceedings, (2022)
  • „Development of a Raman spectrometer fort he characterization of gaseous hydrocarbons at high temperatures“ in Journal of Quantity Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, K.Dieter, K .Koschnick, J. Lill, G.Magnotti, A.Weinmann, A. Dreizler, D.Geyera (2022):
  • "Quality-Enhancing Techniques for a Two-Stage Model-Based Approach for Magnetic Particle Imaging", Vladyslav Gapyak, Thomas März, Andreas Weinmann, ICNAAM Conference Proceedings, (2022):
  • U. Reif, A. Weinmann: Clothoid fitting and geometric Hermite subdivision, Advances in Computational Mathematics 47 (2021), to appear
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Iterative Potts minimization for the recovery of signals with discontinuities from indirect measurements: the multivariate case, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 21 (2021), 649-694
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Multi-channel Potts-based reconstruction for multi-spectral computed tomography, Inverse Problems 37 (2021), 045004
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Variational regularization of inverse problems for manifold-valued data, Information and Inference 10 (2021), 195–230
  • P. Grohs, M. Holler, A. Weinmann eds.: Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data, Springer Nature, 2020
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: PALMS Image Partitioning – A New Parallel Algorithm for the Piecewise Affine-Linear Mumford-Shah Model, Image Processing On Line 10 (2020), 124-149
  • L. Kiefer, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: An Algorithm for Second Order Mumford–Shah Models Based on a Taylor Jet Formulation, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 13 (2020), 2307-2360
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Wavelet sparse regularization for manifold-valued data, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 18 (2020), 674-706
  • D. Fortun, M. Storath, D. Rickert, A. Weinmann, M. Unser: Fast piecewise-affine motion estimation without segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 27, issue 11 (Nov. 2018), pps. 5612-5624, DOI:10.1109/TIP.2018.2856399
  • K. Bredies, M. Holler, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Total generalized variation for manifold-valued data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, volume 11, issue 3 (2018), pps. 1785-1848,
  • M. Kiechle, M. Storath, A. Weinmann, and M. Kleinsteuber: Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 27, issue 4, 2018, DOI:10.1109/TIP.2018.2792904
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Fast median filtering for phase or orientation data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 40 issue 3, 2018, DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2017.2692779
  • W. Erb, A. Weinmann, M. Ahlborg, C. Brandt, G. Bringout, T. M. Buzug, J. Frikel, C. Kaethner, T. Knopp, T. März, M. Möddel, M. Storath, and A. Weber: Mathematical analysis of the 1D model and reconstruction schemes for magnetic particle imaging, Inverse Problems, Volume 34, Number 5, 2018, DOI:10.1088/1361-6420/aab8d1,
  • M. Storath, A. Weinmann, M. Unser: Jump-penalized least absolute values estimation of scalar or circle-valued signals, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, Volume 6, Issue 3, 1 September 2017, Pages 225–245, DOI:10.1093/imaiai/iaw022
  • M. Storath, D. Rickert, M. Unser, A. Weinmann: Fast segmentation from blurred data in 3D fluorescence microscopy, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26 (2017), 4856-4870, DOI:10.1109/TIP.2017.2716843
  • M. Storath, C. Brandt, M. Hofmann, T. Knopp, J. Salamon, A. Weber, A. Weinmann: Edge preserving and noise reducing reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36 (2017), 74-85, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2593954
  • T. März, A. Weinmann: Model-based reconstruction for magnetic particle imaging in 2D and 3D, Inverse Problems and Imaging 10 (2016), 1087-1110, arXiv,
  • A. Stefanoiu, A. Weinmann, M. Storath, N. Navab, M. Baust: Joint segmentation and shape regularization with a generalized forward backward algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 25 (2016), 3384-3394, DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2016.2567068
  • M. Baust, A. Weinmann, M. Wieczorek, T. Lasser, M. Storath, N. Navab: Combined tensor fitting and TV regularization in diffusion tensor imaging based on a Riemannian manifold approach, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 35 (2016), 1972-1989
  • M. Storath, M. Unser, A. Weinmann: Exact algorithms for L1-TV regularization of real-valued or circle-valued signals, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(1)2016: A614–A630, DOI:10.1137/15M101796X
  • M. Bacak, R. Bergmann, G. Steidl, A. Weinmann: A second order non-smooth variational model for restoring manifold-valued images, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(1)2016: A567-A597, DOI:10.1137/15M101988X
  • R. Bergmann, A. Weinmann: A second order TV-type approach for inpainting and denoising higher dimensional combined cyclic and vector space data, in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 55 Issue 3, 2016, Pages 401-427, DOI:10.1007.s10851-015-0627-3
  • L. Demaret, M. Storath, A. Weinmann: Mumford-Shah and Potts regularization for manifold-valued data; in: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 55 Issue 3, July 2016, Pages 428-445, DOI:10.1007.s10851-015-0628-2
  • K. E. Wolff: Towards a Conceptual Treatment of Temporal Relational Systems, Accepted Paper, IInd All-Russian Conference "Knowledge - Ontology - Theory" with international participation, Novosibirsk 2009
  • K. E. Wolff: Relational Scaling in Relational Semantic Systems, Accepted Paper, 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Moskau 2009
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  • K. E. Wolff: Applications of Temporal Conceptual Semantic Systems, in: Zagoruiko, N.G., Palchunov, D.E.: Wissen - Ontologie - Theorie. Band 2, Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sobolev Institut für Mathematik, Novosibirsk, 2007, p.3-16
  • K. E. Wolff: Conceptual Semantic Systems and its Applications in Decision Support, in: Lasker, G.E., Kljajic, M.: Advances in Support Systems Research. Vol VIII - Simulated Based Decision Support. The International Institute for Advanced Studies, in Systems Research and Cybernetics. Tecumseh, Canada, 2007, p.1-6.
  • K. E. Wolff: Basic Notions in Temporal Conceptual Semantic Systems, in: Guly, A., Kuznetsov, S.O., Lhouari Nourine, Schmidt, S.E. (eds.): Contributions to ICFCA 2007, 5th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2007, p.97-120.
  • H. Zisgen: „An approximation of general multi-server queues with bulk arrivals and batch service“, Operations Research Letters 50(1): 57-63, 2022; DOI: 10.1016/j.orl.2021.12.00