Dual study model Applied Mathematics (Master)

The subject of the 4-semester (7th - 10th semesters) dual study model Master Applied Mathematics (M. Sc.) are the modern application fields of mathematics in the areas of:

The most important information is summarized in the Study programm flyer (in German only).

Interlocking of theory and practical phases

The dual study model Applied Mathematics, which will be offered from the summer semester 2023, is integrated into the regular Master's program. The students of the dual study programs study in the theory phases together with the regular students in the semester association and work in the cooperating company during the lecture-free periods.

In addition, the dual student completes the following practical phases in the cooperating company:

  •     in the context of projects in the 7th or 8th semester as well as in the 9th semester
  •     in the 10th semester for the preparation of the bachelor thesis.


Applied Mathematics

University Degree

Master of Science (M. Sc.)

Standard period of study

4 semesters

Start of study

Winter and summer semester


See below: Previous education. What is required?


The courses are held in German.

The master's degree opens up good opportunities on the labor market, a higher starting salary and access to management positions. It entitles the holder to enter the higher service of the civil service career in the federal and state governments. For those interested in science, it offers the opportunity to deepen fields of study in a subsequent doctoral program and thus pursue an academic career in research and teaching. The degree program qualifies students for the following professional positions or for activities in the following professional fields, among others: Analysts, system architects, controllers, consulting and management, software development, risk management, production control, production inspection, scientific activities in a technical context (e.g. in research departments of banks, insurance companies and industrial companies).

The standard admission requirement for the master's program is a good or very good qualified bachelor's or diploma degree in the field of mathematics with a minimum of 180 credit points. In the case of degrees that do not meet the above criteria, the examination board conducts individual aptitude and assessment tests. A detailed description of the admission requirements can be found in the Special regulations of the examination board (BBPO) (in german only).

Interested students must apply by a deadline. Admission is governed by §6 in conjunction with Annex 4 of the Special Provisions of the Examination Regulations for the Master's program. There is no restriction on the number of students admitted.

The required qualifications and competencies are provided by the modules of the Master's program in Applied Mathematics. These study units may include lectures, project work or laboratory phases.

The BBPO and module manual were officially published in the Hochschulanzeiger 2022.

The first point of contact for most questions about studying is the Student Service Center, or SSC for short. In addition to general student counseling and information on the details of the application process, advice on the organization or financing of studies is also available here. Student Service Center (SSC)

If you have any questions specifically related to the dual study program model, the Dual Study Center will be happy to help. A lot of information about dual studies can also be found at Dual study at the department MN.

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact Prof. März.

Once you have started your studies, these are probably the most important pages:

The link my.h-da (is also stored under Quicklinks) takes you to the university information system for students. Here you can

  • print out all the certificates you need yourself (study certificates, Bafög certificate and the receipt for the fees you have paid).
  • view information about your exams and grades
  • register for or deregister from exams.
  • register for courses.
  • view your course schedule and the course catalog.
  • compile your individual timetable.

At www.h-da.de/tutorials you will find brief instructions for registering for exams, viewing grades, and much more.

Semester dates: Here you can find the dates for exams and events for all courses of study. This page can also be accessed directly via quicklinks.

Timetables: This page contains the links to the PDFs with the current timetables for all degree programs.

Announcements of all examination boards (PA)

Students following the dual Applied Mathematics program model may transfer to the regular Applied Mathematics program at any time.


Student Advisory Service

Consultant Dual Study Model

Due to renovation work, the secretariat will be closed from 29.08 - 07.10. However, we can still be reached by phone and e-mail.

Opening hours secretariat


Appointment by arrangement


Appointment by arrangement


9 am - 2 pm Open consultation hours


9 am - 2 pm Open consultation hours


Appointment by arrangement

Info compact

Study program flyer (in German only)
Dates and deadllines
Announcements Examination Committee
Moodle courses

Examination regulations (as updated in 2022)

  • General provisions for examination regulations ABPO