Student Council
What is the student council?
We are students from the department that you can always turn to. We create connections between us students by organizing recreational activities on campus and trips to popular destinations for you. Attend our pizza nights, barbecues, Christmas parties, game rounds, etc. and get to know the people who study with you. We like to do our best to make sure you can have fun along with your everyday university life.
If this sounds interesting to you, we are always looking for people to join.
You are very welcome!
Current Student Council (since April 1, 2023) - pictured above from left to right:
- Patrick Wessely
- Niels Froese
- Wilfried Zefack
- Laurice Kamnang-Fodjo
- David Kilka
- Valentina Pimpl
- Christian Jacob
Where can you find us?

The student council room is on the 6th floor of the high-rise building, C10/ 6.40.
If you don't find us, just write an email(fachschaftsrat.fbmn@h-da.de) and be patient ...
The existing Whatsapp groups are quicker.
You don't want to miss any information or events of the student council? Connect via the link
whatsapp group
and/or scan this QR code:

Excerpt from the Hessian Higher Education Act
The constitution and the tasks of the student councils and their councils are regulated in the Hessian Higher Education Act. There it says:
§ 83 Student body
(1) The students of a university form the student body. It is a public corporation with legal capacity and as such a member of the university.
(2) The student body shall adopt a constitution, which shall be passed by the student parliament with a majority of two-thirds of those present, at least with a majority of its members. In particular, it shall make more detailed provisions concerning
[...] 4. the formation of student representative bodies and the election, composition and powers of their bodies.
§ 85 Organs of the student body
(3) [...] Student representative bodies shall represent the academic interests of the students belonging to them.