Photonics and Machine Vision (Bachelor)

Understanding what you see: that's Photonics and Machine Vision. We can manage photons to measure our environment with high precision - even on Mars. Satellites provide weather and climate data that are analyzed using image processing methods. No grain is milled into flour without optical systems checking its quality.

The scheme of the study programm provides an initial overview of the content of the study program. The study program is divided into a phase of teaching the basics in the first four semesters and a phase of in-depth study in the sixth and seventh semesters. In between, there is the practical phase in the form of a work experience semester, which our students spend in a company or institution from the field of optical technologies - there you can experience engineering practice at first hand. The program concludes with an independent bachelor's thesis.

Examination regulations 2020

  • Examination regulations PO 2020 Bachelor Photonics and Machine Vision (OBV):
    This document also contains the following appendices: study program, elective catalogs, laboratory regulations, practical regulations.
  • Module manual PO 2020 Bachelor Photonics and Machine Vision

The official documents are published in the Hochschulanzeiger 2022.

Examination regulations 2013 (expiring)

  • Study program PO 2013 Bachelor Photonics and Machine Vision (OBV)
  • Examination regulations PO 2013 Bachelor Photonics and Machine Vision (OBV): This document also contains the following appendices: study program, elective catalogs, laboratory regulations, practical regulations.
  • Module manual PO 2013 Bachelor Photonis and Machine Vision (version 2017 with FV27 extended version)

The official documents are published in the Hochschulanzeiger 2014 (BBPO) and in the Hochschulanzeiger 2015 (Modul manual).

The first point of contact for most questions about studying is the Student Service Center, or SSC for short. In addition to general student counseling and information on the details of the application process, advice on the organization or financing of studies is also available here. Student Service Center (SSC)


Once you have started your studies, these are probably the most important pages:

The link my.h-da (is also stored under Quicklinks) takes you to the university information system for students. Here you can

  • print out all the certificates you need yourself (study certificates, Bafög certificate and the receipt for the fees you have paid).
  • view information about your exams and grades
  • register for or deregister from exams.
  • register for courses.
  • view your course schedule and the course catalog.
  • compile your individual timetable.

At you will find brief instructions for registering for exams, viewing grades, and much more.

Semester dates: Here you can find the dates for exams and events for all courses of study. This page can also be accessed directly via quicklinks.

Timetables: This page contains the links to the PDFs with the current timetables for all degree programs.

Announcements of all examination boards (PA)

Students of the bachelor's degree program in Photonics and Machine Vision can change to the dual study model dual study model Photonics and Machine Vision until the beginning of the third semester.