Dual study model Photonics and Machine Vision (Bachelor)

Comprehending what you see: That's Photonics and Machine Vision (OBV) - the innovative engineering discipline that deals with the latest technologies, such as autonomous driving, robotics or artificial intelligence.

Are you interested in technology and programming? Are you not afraid of math or physics? Would you like to apply what you have learned directly in practice? Then you've come to the right place!

Unique in Germany is the study program "Photonics and Machine Vision", which started in 1997 as a diploma program and is now offered as a bachelor and master program.

Interlocking of theory and practical phases

The dual study model Photonics and Machine Vision is integrated into the regular Bachelor's program. The students of the dual study programs study in the theory phases together with the regular students in the semester association and work during the lecture-free periods in the cooperating company, where the bachelor thesis is also written.

In addition, the dual student completes the following practical phases in the cooperating company:

  • in the context of projects in the 4th and 6th semesters
  • during the practical semester (BPS) in the 5th semester and for the preparation of the bachelor thesis in the 7th semester.


Photonics and Machine Vision (OBV) dual

University degree

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Standard period of study

7 semesters (including practical semester)

Start of study

winter semester


Internship not required


No admission restriction, NC-free degree program


Lectures are held in German.

Dual study model Photonics and Machine Vision - start in winter semester

A degree in Photonics and Machine Vision qualifies you for jobs in many areas: in product development, quality assurance, project management, sales or even as the head of your own company.

Industries (selection):

  • Robotics and automation technology
  • Laser technology
  • Automotive industry
  • Aerospace
  • Medical imaging
  • Lighting technology

The study program Photonics and Machine Vision (B.Sc.) is not admission restricted (no NC). Admission requirements include these school-leaving qualifications:

  • General university entrance qualification
  • subject-related university entrance qualification
  • advanced technical college entrance qualification

An internship is not required prior to the start of studies.

However, a familiarization phase of at least four weeks in the cooperating company is desirable before the start of studies.

We build on the material taught in high school and provide a solid foundation in the basic subjects. The focus is on practical applications. Almost 50% of our courses take place in laboratories with practical exercises.

In addition, the dual student completes the following practical phases in the cooperating company:

  • during all semester breaks
  • during the practical semester (5th semester)
  • in the context of two projects (during the 4th and 6th semester)
  • in the final semester for the preparation of the bachelor thesis

The scheme of the study program provides an initial overview of the content of the study program. The study program is divided into a phase of teaching the basics in the first four semesters and a phase of in-depth study in the sixth and seventh semesters. In between, there is the practical phase in the form of a work experience semester, which our students spend in a cooperating company. The program concludes with an independent Bachelor's thesis.

Examination Regulations 2020

The official documents are published in the Hochschulanzeiger 2022.

The first point of contact for most general questions about studying is the Student Service Center, or SSC for short. In addition to general study advice and information on the details of the application process, advice on the organization or financing of studies is also available here. The dual study center can help with questions that relate specifically to the dual study program model. A lot of information about dual studies can also be found at Dual studieren am Fachbereich MN.

Once you have started your studies, these are probably the most important pages:

The link my.h-da (is also stored under Quicklinks) takes you to the university information system for students. Here you can

  • print out all the certificates you need yourself (study certificates, Bafög certificate and the receipt for the fees you have paid).
  • view information about your exams and grades
  • register for or deregister from exams.
  • register for courses.
  • view your course schedule and the course catalog.
  • compile your individual timetable.

At www.h-da.de/tutorials you will find brief instructions for registering for exams, viewing grades, and much more.

Semester dates: Here you can find the dates for exams and events for all courses of study. This page can also be accessed directly via quicklinks.

Timetables: This page contains the links to the PDFs with the current timetables for all degree programs.

Announcements of all examination boards (PA)

Students following the dual study model Photonics and Machine Vision can change to the regular study program Photonics and Machine Vision at any time.

The dual study model must not be confused with dual training! In a dual education, the practical part takes place in a training company, the theoretical part usually at a vocational school. After graduation, you are a journeyman or skilled worker. In the dual study model, the theory is taught at a university and the title Bachelor of Science is awarded, which qualifies for a Master's degree.

If you change degree course, you may be able to have the introductory modules you have passed in math, physics, computer science and optics recognized. This allows you to be placed in a higher semester. The Chairman of the Examination Board is responsible for the recognition of credits in the Bachelor of Optical Engineering and Image Processing degree program Prof. Ralf Blendwoske

You can find further information under:


Student Advisory Service

Ralf Blendowske


Consultant Dual Study Model

Due to renovation work, the secretariat will be closed from 29.08 - 07.10. However, we can still be reached by phone and e-mail.

Opening hours secretariat


Appointment by arrangement


Appointment by arrangement


9 am - 2 pm Open consultation hours


9 am - 2 pm Open consultation hours


Appointment by arrangement

Info compact

Cooperation partners
Dates and deadlines
Announcements Examination Committees
Information about theses (in German only)
Moodle course
Brochure: Dual study model Bachelor Photonics and Machine Vision: Information for cooperation partners (in German only)

Examination Regulations 2020

  • General regulations for examination regulations ABPO