
Excursion into the heart of the financial world

Students on the Bachelor's degree program in Applied Mathematics visit the European Central Bank (ECB).


Private pension provision: How secure is the pension really?

Live recording of the lecture by Prof. Christoph Becker at the Saarland Democracy Foundation


Proposals for a fair financial system

Interview with the financial mathematician Professor Christoph Becker, who is committed to a fair financial market.


Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

We offer the following degree programs:

Applied Mathematics

  • Bachelor and Bachelor dual
  • Master and Master dual

Photonics and Machine Vision

  • Bachelor and Bachelor dual
  • Master and Master dual

Data Science (in cooperation with the Department of Computer Science)

  • Master and Master dual

For schoolgirls, schoolboys and schools

  • We support the Girls' Day / Boys' Day, where pupils (from 8th grade) can get an insight into the professional field of applied mathematics or photonics and machine vision.
  • The Hessen Technikum is aimed at female high school graduates and women with advanced technical college entrance qualifications ("Fach-Abi") who would like to gain an insight into subjects and careers in the MINT fields (mathematics - information technology - natural sciences - technology).
  • The hobit and the match_day are ideal opportunities to find out about the various study programs.
  • We cordially invite teachers to get to know our department. We would be very happy to give you a tour of our laboratories and organize a visit to a lecture. A visit to interested schools themselves is also possible. Please contact me: Katja Jakob.


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