Conferences 2010-2019

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Prof. Dr. Andreas Bolsch (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen): Value distribution of meromorphic functions
Prof. Dr. Torsten-Karl Strempel (Hochschule Darmstadt): Task individualization and learning protocols - First experiences
Christina Drüke-Noe (University of Kassel): Competence-oriented teaching in mathematics
Prof. Dr. Bettina Just (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen): Primality Tests
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Spindler (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences): Cycles of Fear - Mathematical Methods in Vampirology
Prof. Dr. Erich Selder (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences): Applications of the arithmetic theory of elliptic curves to old and new problems in number theory.

On the further development of mathematics at universities of applied sciences: field reports (new or further development of study programs, accreditation procedures, cooperation, research activities, positioning within the university landscape, cost-saving constraints); discussion; outlook
Accreditation Wiesbaden.pdf (9KB)
Reaccreditation Darmstadt.pdf (381KB)
Reaccreditation Friedberg.pdf (26KB)