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[OS13] Ohser, J., Sandau, K., Kampf, J., Vecchio, I., Moghiseh, A.: Improved Estimation of Fiber Length from 3-Dimensional Images.
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[HPRS07] Hahn, K., Prigarin, S., Rodenacker, K., Sandau, K.: A fractal dimension for exploratory fMRI analysis.
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[SO07] Sandau, K, Ohser, J.:The Chord Length Transform and the Segmentation of Crossing Fibres.
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[HSRP06] Hahn, K., Sandau, K., Rodenacker, K., Prigarin, S.: Novel Algorithms to measure Complexity in the Human Brain and to detect statistically significant Complexity-Differences. Electronic Supplement of Journal MAGMA, vol. 19/suppl 1, September, 2006 , Springer,

[S05] Sandau, K.: Characterization of Microstructures using the Chord Length Transformation.
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[NS05] Nitschke, R., Sandau, K.: Quantitative CLSM Image Analysis.
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[PS05] P�llmann, B., Sandau, K.: Noise estimation in Digital X-ray Images.
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[OSSG03] Ohser, J., Sandau, K., Stets, W., Gerber, W.: Bildanalytische Charakterisierung von Gaphit im Grauguss und Klassifikation der Lamellenanordnung.
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[GSOS02] Gerber, W., Stets, W., Ohser, J., Sandau, K.:Bildanalytische Klassifikation von Lamellengraphit in Gusseisen.
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[SOSG01] Sandau, K., Ohser, J., Schladitz, K., Gerber, W.: Automatische Klassifikation von Lamellengraphit.
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[S01] Sandau, K.: Fractals in nature and how to measure them.
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[SGS00] Schladitz, K., Gerber, W., Sandau, K.:.Automatic Classification of Lamellar Graphite in Grey Cast Iron. Poster ausgestellt auf der Euromet: 2000 an der Universität Kaiserslautern.

[S00] Sandau, K.: Dreidimensionale Bildverarbeitung.
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[OS00]Ohser, J., Sandau, K.: Considerations about the estimation of the size distribution in Wicksell's Corpuscle Problem.
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[KWCS99] Kurz, H.., Wilting, J., Christ, B., Sandau, K.: Angiogenesis evaluated with a new complexity measure.
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[KWSC98] Kurz, H., Wilting, J., Sandau, K., Christ, B.: Automated evaluation of Angiogenic effects mediated by VEGF and PIGF Homo- and Heterodimers.
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[KS98] Kurz, H. & Sandau, K.: Allometric Scaling in Biology.
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[KSWC97] Kurz, H., Sandau, K., Wilting, J., Christ, B.: Blood vessel growth: Mathematical analysis and computer simulation, fractality and optimality.
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[KS97] Kurz, H., Sandau, K.: Modelling of blood vessel development - bifurcation pattern and hemodynamics, opimality and allometry.
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[KSC97] Kurz, H., Sandau, K. & Christ, B.: On the bifurcation of blood vessels - Wilhelm Roux's Doctoral Thesis (Jena 1878) - A seminal work for biophysical modelling in developmental biology.
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[SK97b] Sandau, K., Kurz, H.: Fractal Dimension and Image Complexity - an old Concept and a new Approach
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[SK95] Journal of Microscopy 175, 1994: 205-213.
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[SK94] Sandau, K., Kurz, H.: Modelling of vascular growth processes: a stochastic biophysical approach to embryonic angiogenesis.

[SH94] Sandau, K., Hahn, U.: Some Remarks on the Accuracy of Surface Area Estimation using the Spatial Grid.
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[SK93] Sandau, K., Kurz, H.: A 2-D model for the growth of arteries.
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[SV93] Sandau, K., Vogel, H.-J.: An Estimation Procedure for the Joint Distribution of Spatial Direction and Thickness of Flat Bodies Using Vertical Sections. Part II: An application in soil micromorphology.
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[S93] Sandau, K.: An Estimation Procedure for the Joint Distribution of Spatial Direction and Thickness of Flat Bodies Using Vertical Sections. Part I: Theoretical Considerations.
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